Hydration Driven Development
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a highly powerful tool to: construct well written, maintainable, and correct code. However, there seems to be a missing step that makes TDD appear to be less approachable. Hopefully, this post will be able to make TDD more appealing and explain the real value behind the methodology. In addition, we will learn how to make a refreshing glass of water!
Reactive Mongo Image Persistence
Have you bought into the whole Reactive Programming bit yet? Well, I have participated in consuming the “Reactive Flavor Aid” and there is one issue at the moment. Currently, there is a supreme lack of helpful documentation to assist in a seamless development experience. Fear not fellow reactive enthusiast, this post should help you save images in MongoDB utilizing reactive streams!
Circuit Breakers
Aside from being hard to spell sometimes, the circuit breaker design pattern is most helpful for protecting your application code from everybody else. Not only does it protect your application, it also prevents directing more traffic to a service, that is already having trouble responding, with more requests.
Distributed Tracing
The term microservice means different things to many different people. Some, including myself, might call it freedom from the oppressive monolith and chains that must be bore when working on one. Allowing developers to spread there wings and fly, without having to worry if the changes they made broke some obscure part of the codebase. Enabling the release of code early and often, shedding the fear going to production and delivering code that matters.